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English First Paper

রাজশাহী বোর্ড || 2022

English for Toady

English for Toady

Read the passage and answer the questions 1.

  In the next class Ms Choudhury tells her students the story of Lipi. The year before last, Lipi, a 14-year old girl, was in class nine in a rural school in Rangpur. Lipi is the eldest of five children three daughters and two sons. Their father is a day labourer working on other people's land and mother is a homemaker and a part-time worker at other people's homes. The parents. particularly the mother, found it real difficult to raise five children on the small income the Father could earn. Perhaps that is why Lipi's father wanted to marry her off, But Lipi was not ready to accept what her parents wanted to impose on her. She wanted to pursue her education. Her mother stood by her, though secretly. When her father arranged her marriage with Tara Mia, the only son of a farmer in the same village, she became greatly upset. Tara Mia was a widower-illiterate, but well off. His father had a few acres of arable land and was influential in the village. The marriage seemed to be Inevitable.

Choose the correct answer from the following alternatives.

She was much interested in her marriage.
She requested her parents to marry her off.
was not willing to get married.
Her father wanted Lipi to continue her studies.
OPTION 1 : 0
OPTION 2 : 0
OPTION 3 : 0
OPTION 4 : 0
to focus on the life of rural women
to depict the condition of our rural society
to show the consequence of early marriage
to focus on the poor girls' fate in our villages
OPTION 1 : 0
OPTION 2 : 0
OPTION 3 : 0
OPTION 4 : 0

